
An Audio Friend

With regular arrivals of components like Braun, JBL, Thorens & Marantz to name just a few Lloyd Naftolin's blog Seventies Stereo is one that I continually follow. He has great passion for quality audio and showcases some real finds.
A visit not to miss if you love vintage equipment!


  1. Love this blog , the look, the content, the passion for great vintage gear. Keep on doing what you're doing and I'll be back a thousand times. My only suggestion is try and find some REAL quality 70's gear. Quite a few of the first items featured are from the 80's - a little after the Golden Age, and the quality of construction and the sound is evident when compared side by side. Regarding the more stylized but lower end stuff you've just added... good industrial design is also worth featuring, even if the sound is second rate. There is after all a huge resurgence of the "Mid-Century Modern" look.

  2. Appreciate your Comments. Great "sound" advice.
