
Vinyl Collection Rescued

A longtime friend had mentioned to my brother-in law that they were getting rid of some vinyl LP's. He suggested contacting me first as I mainly spin vinyl. I was quite busy and did not get back to them until a few days later. When we did connect on the phone she mentioned that since no one had put in a word for them that they were being dumped as we spoke. NO!!!!! "Don't do it" I yelled! Well after a frantic call to her father who literally was unloading at the local dump she managed to direct him to my home where I eagerly awaited the treasure.

Amazingly the load consisted of over 2000 LP's! I can't even fathom the great loss society would have endured had these jewels been discarded. Already songs have touched friends who have visited! Yes, the emotional power of music. It's of course why I write this blog, showcasing the wonderful equipment that captivates our ears. I have only gone through a few hundred and have gems from Bing Crosby, Mountain, Chet Atkins, Cab Calloway & Ella Fitzgerald...etc. Going through them is as rewarding as listening! Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for rescuing my vinyl! I am so happy it went to a great home and to a wonderful friend. Thanks for writing this......

    Noelle : )
