
Sansui TU-317 Tuner

This 317 is the baby of the HiFi line of 70s TU series tuners. Built beautifully in its sleek black body and fitted for racking this really has the classic look. Great features on an entry level tuner includes FM muting and Noise cancellation, It has amazing sensitivity and frequency response. Sansui also regulates the power supply to continually provide equal power to all circuits. It definitely deserves the title HiFi!


Pioneer SA-6800 Integrated Amp

 Just Arrived is this classic Pioneer SA-6800 silver faced beauty.
At 45 watts per channel with impressively low harmonic distortion of .03%

I really like the cool blue fluorescent output meters. Also a typically huge Pioneer volume knob identifies it from across a room. A nice Walnut veneer compliments the look nicely. Extra heavy with a 10 inch long heat sink.
Built in 1979 this unit is the classic look that we all love, with solid construction and performance. 


Philips Full Range Loudspeakers

Hi Again Audio buffs, sorry for the lengthy absence! Sometimes our lives are just well...busy!
Here is a fine set of Holland made Philips 4 ways that I was quite happy to acquire.
An 8 inch passive and woofer bring the low end through and the Philips tweeters (which are quite respected from this era) have a very musical and precise tone to them. Keep in mind that they are 4 ohm impedance so I let loose the Pioneer A-70 on them.
I love the old cloth and in this shape they are hard to find. The curved sleek euro look set these apart.
I haven't come across a pair of these until now and really like the euro design and performance.

There is great attention to detail in the construction of these speakers. To be expected from the great Northern Europe manufacturers. Simply beautiful and rare.